Helping children with sibling/playmate rivalry


Helping children with sibling, cousin, or playmate rivalry

  • Learn how to create a positive family culture

  • Acknowledge how kids feel so you can help them get to the bottom of and find real solutions for their on-going problems

  • Avoid tit for tat "that's not fair!" thinking

  • Learn 4 levels of intervention to handle fighting and avoid being the constant judge, juror and adjudicator

Note: This class is not just for parents with multiple children. Parents of only children can apply these strategies to cousin/playmate rivalry.

Our six-week series follows this intro class. Full info on the series here.

Purchase prerecorded audio HERE for the intro class: If the timing for this workshop doesn't work for you, we have prerecorded audio for sale with access for the recording for up to two weeks. Please disregard the date on registration.

The recorded session will be delivered separately with a handout through email. If you have any questions, please email